Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weeknight Bites: Mexican Lasagna

Call me crazy, but I've never really been a fan of traditional lasagna. I don't really know why,'s not like I'm repulsed by any of the ingredients or even that I don't like the flavors that are combined to make it. For whatever reason, I just don't love it. I never have.

I do, however, like the idea of lasagna. For one thing, it's a great "one-dish" meal, heavy enough to be served on its own and still fill you up; for another, it's well-known for being wonderfully unless you're feeding an army, you'll have enough to serve it again another night of the week. These two little tidbits alone were enough to put me on the search for a lasagna recipe that I could get excited about, and after several tries (some semi-hits, others big-time misses), I found it. To some of you, "mexican lasagna" might sound weird and even wrong, but I'm telling you - if you don't try it, you're missing out.

Mexican Lasagna

1 lb ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
2 tbs chili powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
8 oz lasagna noodles, cooked
1 jar (24 oz) salsa
2 cups ricotta cheese
Shredded Monterey Jack cheese
Shredded Pepper Jack cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Saute beef in skillet with onion, chili powder, cilantro and cayenne pepper until meat is brown. Set aside.

Line ungreased lasagna dish with 5 cooked lasagna noodles. Top with 3/4 cup meat mixture, 1 cup ricotta cheese and 1 cup salsa. Cover with 5 remaining lasagna noodles and repeat with meat mixture, ricotta cheese and salsa. Top with shredded cheeses until well-covered. Bake in pre-heated oven for 35 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes prior to cutting.

Recently, I gave you some tips on how to stay on a budget while still eating well. Remember my tip about loving leftovers? This recipe will make plenty of food to have several "next-day" servings.

Until next time...


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